Duhyoung Kim / Dudu  

Media Artist, based in Cologne. 

Researching about listening and intepreting ideas about that into diverse forms and media, such as audio-visual installations, compositions, or workshops.

Maintaining Table

This is a workshop about for 1 hours. Participants improvise their own noises, voices, recordings or silence and discuss about their combinations and structure. In that we try to think about “tables” which can be just a meeting point,  place we share, common, including surroundings. 


workshop, table, Nida Art Colony, 2024

Bicycle Repair

I repair my bicycles as a hobby. Repairing Bicycle is finding unfamiliar noises and dealing with that. This Bicycle was stolen and found again, so it was necessary to be repaired. On the stage the brake disc of the front wheel was cleaned, brake pads were replaced, the chain was oiled, and rear derailleur was adjusted for a smooth gear shifting. Meanwhile we try to recognize, which noises are unfamiliar and to be removed.


10’ performance,  a unhealthy mountainbike, piezos, modular synthesizer, audio effects, mixer, speakers, Hofkonzert KHM in Cologne, 2024

Two Pronged Rotation

This is a performative and participatory work, which its audiences their own sounds find. There is no boundary between stage and place for audience in this, but participants are guided as a two lines of people around in the concert place by two artists(Jeesoo/Dudu). These lines meet, separate and cross each other.

Audiences wander through sounding sculptures and installed sounds and can hear those according to their body, ears, or their perception. In that way, audiences are listeners and performers at the same time. 

The installed sounds are field-recorded and/or synthesized. They will be played right before the beginning of the work and installed after a collaboration with spaces and dedicated situations 

We personally interested in sound/audio walk in a specific site. "Two Pronged Rotation" will be performed and guided in a ordinary closed and musical place. This guidance dedicates itself as a live composing tool with moving bodies and ears.

30’ performance with audiences , Jeesoo Hong + Duhyoung Kim , “Soft Rotation” 674FM in Cologne, 2024

Here’s the score

This is a musical score of listening to the surroundings and has been written on space and noise. From the large exhibition space to the cozy lounge, the old stairs, the narrow corridor, from the wood door to the iron door, and the further way outside. From there, this can be developed by the listeners on their own.
musical score on paper, 17.3 x 29.7cm, “take me”, Assembly house in Leeds, 2023

Zwischenpunkt (Point-inbetween)

This is a guide map for a personal sound walk in and out of water pump station in Siegburg, Germany, which is used for providing waters into the city. This building places on a intersection of two cities ㅡSiegburg and Sankt Augustinㅡ and nearby there are a river, wield, a bridge and a crossroad. From far away you can still hear the car sounds in the highway. On the other hand in the building artists set their own sound works. Between those acoustic fields in and out, there are meeting points of the sounds and participants flow around with those soundscapes.
Soundwalk guide printed on 22 x 22cm double-sided paper, Pumpwerk Siegburg in Sieg, “Waving”, 2022


This is a spatial sound design with a visual installation. Josephine Güntner is writer of the plot of this sound piece. The initial idea were sounds which trigger traumata and differing acoustic spaces of headroom and surroundings. 

binaural Hörspiel, installation with a headphone and a decorated table, 6’30”, 2022


Knocking is a very first acoustic engagement to figure out something’s inside. Audience can knock the three plates, which have different audio effect and describe their own rooms behind. With their different reflecting surfaces and reverberances of each knocking sounds interact and cross each other. 

aluminium, metall, paper panel with 3 channel microphones and speakers, interactive variable installation, 2022

Welcome, Uninvited (어서오세요, 초대받지 않은)

A space for hearing spaces by the sides

소리, 경계를 넘어 - 이정택
microphones, amplifiers, cables, earphone, sound installation, Seoul, 2017


Two Ants walk on a metal ruler. Their footsteps were with a piezo microphone recorded and a camera follow their movements.  

single channel documentary video with sound, performed by two ants, 7’ 22’’, 2017