Duhyoung Kim / Dudu  

Media Artist, based in Cologne. 

Researching soundscapes in specific sites and about listening and intepreting those into diverse forms and media, such as audio-visual installations and composition.

Two Pronged Rotation

This is a performative and participatory work, which its audiences their own sounds find. There is no boundary between stage and place for audience in this, but participants are guided as a two lines of people around in the concert place by two artists(Jeesoo/Dudu). These lines meet, separate and cross each other.

Audiences wander through sounding sculptures and installed sounds and can hear those according to their body, ears, or their perception. In that way, audiences are listeners and performers at the same time. 

The installed sounds are field-recorded and/or synthesized. They will be played right before the beginning of the work and installed after a collaboration with spaces and dedicated situations 

We personally interested in sound/audio walk in a specific site. "Two Pronged Rotation" will be performed and guided in a ordinary closed and musical place. This guidance dedicates itself as a live composing tool with moving bodies and ears.

soft rotation

30’ performance with audiences , Jeesoo Hong + Duhyoung Kim , “Soft Rotation” 674FM in Cologne, 2024